Last Updated on June 2, 2023
Ron DeSantis has been attempting to pitch to GOP voters that he gives Republicans the best chance to beat Joe Biden in the general election. However, new polling from swing states proves this argument is another lie from Ron DeSantis.
Pollsters informed voters from the critical swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin on Ron DeSantis’ votes in Congress. Voters were then asked who they would vote for if the 2024 presidential election was between Joe Biden and Ron DeSantis.
When voters were asked, ” If you knew that in Congress, Ron DeSantis voted three times to cut Social Security benefits, voted twice to cut Medicare benefits and voted to raise the retirement age to 70, knowing what you know about Joe Biden and what you just heard about Ron DeSantis, if the election for President were held today, would you vote for?”
Upon learning this information, 50% of voters answered they would vote for Joe Biden, while only 40 % of voters committed to voting for Ron DeSantis. Notability Biden beats DeSantis by 12% with Hispanics.
Voters were also asked, “If you knew that in Congress, Ron DeSantis voted to replace the current tax system with a 23% national sales tax on most goods and services you buy and raise taxes on 90% of Americans, knowing what you know about Joe Biden and what you just heard about Ron DeSantis, if the election for President were held today, who would you vote for?
After learning these facts, 43% of voters answered they would vote for Ron DeSantis. 48% of voters answered they would vote for Joe Biden. DeSantis again suffers another loss with Hispanic voters, this time by a much more significant margin of 16%.
DeSantis has also been making the case that he can drive more Hispanics to the Republican Party. However, these latest polls prove this argument is yet another lie.
Recent polling shows Trump beating Biden by 7 points. This fact, combined with polling reported on in this article, proves that Donald Trump is the only electable Republican candidate.