“Sol Prendido” for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

Russia’s foreign intelligence service assured that United States military companies are recruiting members of Mexican and Colombian cartels in US prisons to send them to Ukraine so that they can fight alongside the armed forces. According to Russian foreign intelligence, if the drug traffickers accept this business trip in exchange, they will be rewarded with total immunity of their sentences. 

These mercenary companies under the leadership of the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are recruiting representatives from the Mexican and Colombian cartels in prison according to Russian authorities. 

The United States is resorting to increasingly desperate methods in its attempts to turn the tide of the Ukrainian theater of operations by replenishing the devalued ranks of the Ukrainian armed forces with a multinational group prone to armed violence, Russia’s foreign intelligence service said through a statement. 

Pointing out that the first group of thugs composed of Mexicans and Colombians will travel to the Ukrainian front in the summer. In this regard, the United States embassy in Mexico rejected Russia’s allegations about the alleged recruitment of members of drug trafficking cartels to send them to Ukraine. As the saying goes, when a stain doesn’t leave a visible spot on something it does blemish it, diplomatic headquarters quoted words said by President López Obrador.

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