“Char” for Borderland Beat
This information was posted by EL OCCIDENTAL
He was originally from the state of Oaxaca.
DECEMBER 23, 2024
Elizabeth Ibal
An active member of the Mexican Air Force was murdered and his body was found on a farm in the Valle de los Molinos neighborhood in Zapopan.
The body was found at the intersection of Grosella and Avellana, where elements of the municipal police were present.
Medical Services requested on Monday morning, support to verify the state of health of a person reported as unconscious.
Upon arrival they found a man lying face up, showing signs of violence. The paramedics confirmed his death, presumably due to the injuries inflicted on him.
At the scene, the 36-year-old man was identified as an officer of the Mexican Air Force, originally from Oaxaca.
The Public Prosecutor’s Office was notified of this fact in order to initiate investigations.