Cop28 prepares temperature check on climate at Dubai meeting
Cop28 prepares temperature check on climate at Dubai meeting
“High-level leaders generally try to avoid meetings if they don’t anticipate the meeting itself being successful, as they don’t want to be associated with that kind of disappointment directly,” Josef Gregory Mahoney, a politics professor at East China Normal University in Shanghai, said.
He also said there were domestic political considerations in play for both men. Neither will be able to announce a climate breakthrough, and Biden cannot show that the US is living up to its commitments while Xi has to factor in the cost of meeting climate targets at a time when the Chinese economy is struggling.
Last month, the two countries relaunched their climate working group. They also agreed to include methane in their respective 2035 emission-cutting plans — the first time China has made such a pledge.
Temperatures have already risen by an average of 1.2 degrees, but Ma said this year’s conference should shift the focus from over-promising to achieving targets.
“That would be good if the first check-in on global efforts can identify leading examples and practices in achieving [the 2-degree target] … and later promote these examples with the aim of closing the huge gap between climate actions and goals,” he said.
Cop28: what stance will China take on coal, renewable energy commitments?
Cop28: what stance will China take on coal, renewable energy commitments?
But he said the most important thing was to achieve concrete and verifiable targets to address the climate crisis.
However, he warned: “Despite the fact that both Biden and Xi have a lot to cover domestically at this point, their absences may mean that there is no similar high-level push to achieve a breakthrough at a time when the world probably needs it.”