Last Updated on July 21, 2023

Aileen Cannon, the judge in President Trump’s document case, announced on Friday that Trump’s trial will start on May 20th, 2024. Late May 2024 is around 2 months before the RNC convention and 6 months before the general election. This means Trump’s trial will start during peak election season.

Judge Cannon will be remembered as the leftist judge who interfered in the 2024 election. Before becoming a judge, Cannon worked for Gibson Dunn, a corporate law firm located in Washington, D.C.

Gibson Dunn’s website shows the firm has embraced equality, diversity, and LGBTQIAism.

A section from Gibson Dunn’s website reads, “Gibson Dunn believes that diversity among lawyers is essential to our continued success as one of the preeminent law firms in the world. In an increasingly global world, we understand that it is crucial that we incorporate diverse competencies, experiences and viewpoints into our workforce. We are proud of our diverse partnership and look forward to developing a new and diverse generation of lawyers who will continue the long tradition of quality and excellence for which Gibson Dunn is known. We invite you to view our 2023 Diversity Report.”

The Gibson Dunn Diversity report explains the firm’s racist, sexist hiring practices. Gibson Dunn also brags about its discriminating practices when taking cases pro bono. A section from the website reads, “Gibson Dunn has consistently received a 100 score on the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Index for our LGBTQ friendly policies, and the Lambda Legal’s Partners for Equality Award for our long-term support of the organization and pro bono services. We were selected as a national finalist for the Minority Corporate Counsel Association’s Thomas L. Sager Award in recognition of our diversity and inclusion efforts.”

Interestingly Cannon is also a member of the Federalist Society. The Federalist Society is an organization that is supposed to only have conservative-leaning lawyers. Gibsion’s previous employment shows the Judge is no conservative.

Facts point to Judge Cannon being a globalist infiltrator. However, the really important question is, does Judge Cannon support Ron DeSantis or Joe Biden for president?

The globalist elite understands that they win regardless if the 2024 match-up is Biden vs DeSantis. It’s imperative that the American people discover Judge Cannons’ true political motives.