Who should preside over universities? In what shade of skin should they be wrapped? How old should they be, and what items should lurk below their belts? These are questions asked by an authoritative group, and answers have come incisively.
First, a bit about the American Council on Education — courtesy of ACENet.edu:
Who We Are
The American Council on Education (ACE) is a membership organization that mobilizes the higher education community to shape effective public policy and foster innovative, high-quality practice. As the major coordinating body for the nation’s colleges and universities, our strength lies in our diverse membership of more than 1,700 colleges and universities, related associations, and other organizations in America and abroad. ACE is the only major higher education association to represent all types of U.S. accredited, degree-granting colleges and universities public and private . Our members educate two out of every three students in all accredited, degree-granting U.S. institutions.
The organization joneses for justice. Its site’s Policy and Advocacy section insists schools must “maximize diversity and inclusion and ensure that students have access to a range of basic health measures, such as reproductive care…or services related to student gender identity…”
But all is not equitable in education; ACE has unearthed an atrocity.
Via an August 11th statement, the org is aghast:
The population of current presidents throughout U.S. higher education is still not representative of the students served.
Too many pasty old roosters, not enough newer dark-feathered hens:
[M]en outnumber women two-to-one in the presidency and women of color account for a little over one-out-of-10 presidents, “and that is likely an overrepresentation,” [ACE Director of Practice and Research Hollie Chessman] said.
How might such a flaw be fixed? Hollie would like candidates canceled if they’re pale and/or penis-possessing:
“[T]o truly reach parity over the next 10 years, we would need to see a majority of presidential vacancies filled by women and people of color.”
Problem, meet opportunity:
“This is an opportunity to ensure everyone is on board to support [marginalized candidates] and talk openly and be an ally when there are microaggressions and how a leader might experience those,” said attendee Felicia McGinty, director of engagement and outreach for (pro-woman society) HERS (Higher Education Resource Services). “If we work on these transitions — really center them on equity — we’re talking about a cultural shift in supporting a new leader.”
For a time in America, it was thought discrimination based upon race — as well as sex and age — was disadvantageous and even morally wrong. That era appears to have ended:
College Op-Ed Asks if White People Should Be Kicked out of Parties
Dreadlocked Professor Says White People Aren’t Allowed to Have His Hairdo
As you’re likely aware, a June Supreme Court decision struck at race-based college admissions. Perhaps not surprisingly, online, the American Council on Education admonished the court:
As ACE President Ted Mitchell said in a statement about the decision handed down in the high-profile cases brought by Students for Fair Admissions against Harvard University and the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill: “By denying colleges and universities an essential tool for inviting students with diverse perspectives and experiences to their campuses, this ruling will harm the educational experience of all students.”
However, Mitchell stressed that “colleges and universities will redouble efforts to pursue our missions, which absolutely requires maintaining equitable and diverse campuses. We remain steadfast in our commitment to provide inclusive and welcoming educational environments for all our students and their communities.”
Back to hiring academic leaders, is rejecting applicants due to their immutable traits a gateway to greatness? Possibly — if, for instance, moronism can’t be muted. As for one’s genitals, melanin, and the number of days they’ve dodged decomposition…that may be a different story.
On the other hand, trust the experts; those reside with the American Council on Education.
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Find all my RedState work here.
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