Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of them. Grab a cup of coffee and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication!

#1 – Megyn Kelly’s Response to Attack From Keith Olbermann, Daily Beast Writer Is a Thing of Beauty — by Nick Arama
Again, imagine Keith Olbermann — of all people — talking about the trajectory of anyone’s career. How many jobs has he had, and in how many was he shown the door? And where is he working from now? Maybe he should look at his own “career,” before carping and being jealous about someone else.
But the best thing is the response from Megyn Kelly, which is pure gold. Her comment has even more views than Baragona’s at 3.9 million views, again kind of shooting the narrative in the foot.

#2 – One 45-Minute Stretch of Joe Biden’s Tuesday Schedule Raises Eyebrows – and Questions — by Sister Toldjah
Now if Biden was going to do a walking tour of parts of the Grand Canyon I might be willing to cut him some slack, because that terrain is not something your average 80-year-old can handle, especially not one with Biden’s rumored health issues.
But a lookout is just that – a lookout, and as far as I can tell is not something that should take 45 minutes. Then again, Biden is probably tired after his return from his latest vacation (note: this picture is photoshopped):

#3 – Sikh Man Who Turned the Tables on Shoplifter Facing Criminal Charges — by Bonchie
Some are making the argument that the force used on the shoplifter in the video was excessive, and as a purely legal matter, that may be true. The shoplifter was begging for mercy while the store owner continued to swing back and strike him. The question is at what point the store owner is expected to disengage, and he likely passed that point.
Still, I think that argument misses the broader point of what normally law-abiding citizens are dealing with and what the ultimate consequences are of refusing to enforce the law against criminal vagrants. These business owners (and also just people walking down the street) are being ignored by local police and prosecutors as they are harassed, assaulted, and stolen from. It was just a matter of time before someone reached their breaking point and lashed out.

#4 – Tucker’s Explosive Interview With Former Capitol Police Chief: The Story Fox Didn’t Air, Pelosi, and Who Knew What When — by Nick Arama
One of the biggest points Sund made was that it was revealed after Jan. 6 that other agencies had intelligence of how dangerous it might be but that wasn’t passed on to him. He said the intelligence he received indicated it would be like other MAGA rallies. But the FBI, the DHS, and even the military had intel suggesting more was afoot. But they didn’t tell Sund or put out any alerts as they might normally do, “But there were zero for Jan. 6,” Sund said. “It doesn’t make sense.”
Sund wasn’t told, even though he was on a conference call around midday on January 5 with the law enforcement leaders from the D.C. Metro Police and the FBI (head of the Washington Field Office Steve D’Antuono). He even had the military and the National Guard on the call, he said. But he was not told about the intel. Sund explained it wasn’t only him, the head of the MPD also was not told. He said a new report that came out last month revealed that Antuono had a lot of information.

#5 – Who *Really* Runs the Biden Show? Closer Look at Doocy Clip Reveals Clues — by Sister Toldjah
Such was the case on Wednesday, when during the now-infamous clip of Biden losing it with Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy, a handler stepped in moments after Doocy began asking the Devon Archer speakerphone question — and proceeded to promptly take control of the situation… and Joe Biden.
Take a look at the video from a different angle than the one that has been widely shared and notice the woman who walks up not long after Doocy climbs the barricade and walks toward him. The very second Biden gives her the opportunity she steers him away and the supposed leader of the free world goes willingly along with her: