Images of a stratospheric, long-endurance airship, said to have been taken near Subic Bay in the northern Philippines, were shared on social media. Photo: Facebook
This was taken recently in Pangasinan, Phillipines. Posted by Redditor gagsti02: pic.twitter.com/sr7TBaYtGJ
— Spacecowboy78 (@Spacecowboy781) December 18, 2022
SCMP: Mystery airship spotted over Philippines near South China Sea
* Images of an unidentified craft near Subic Bay have sparked speculation it could have been collecting military intelligence
*There is no evidence the airship was from China, though its design appears similar to types on display at the Zhuhai air show
An unidentified high-altitude, long-endurance airship spotted near a former US naval base in the Philippines has raised concerns that some countries in the region are using stratospheric airships to collect military intelligence.
Images of the stratospheric airship – allegedly taken in Pangasinan province, about 100km (62 miles) from Subic Bay in the northern Philippine island of Luzon – were first posted on Facebook last weekend. The pictures were deleted, but not before they were also shared on Twitter.
WNU Editor: Something is definitely flying up there.
Was A Chinese High-Altitude Airship Spotted Recently Near The South China Sea?
Was A High-Altitude Airship Spotted Recently Near The South China Sea? — Warzone/The Drive
Unidentified High-Altitude Airship Spotted Flying Near South China Sea [Photos] — IBTimes
China’s AIRSHIP? Aircraft Resembling Tian Meng Plane That Can Operate Near Stratosphere Spotted Over South China Sea — Eurasian Times