As we reported, Joe Biden made an incredible claim during his 9/11 remarks in Alaska on Monday. 

After spending most of the day in Vietnam, including smiling under a bust of Ho Chi Minh and going to a Vietnamese monument to the capture of John McCain, he showed up in Alaska and claimed he went to Ground Zero the day after the attack. As we explained, that wasn’t true. He was in Washington the following day, with all kinds of evidence to show it, including his autobiography that noted he was in D.C. 


So why would he make up such a fantastic and untrue story? Perhaps to make up for criticism about not being at any of the attack sites on the anniversary. When he’s challenged, that’s when a lot of these “tall tales” tend to come out. 

But there also might be another reason. Biden’s story saying that he stood there the next day at Ground Zero looks a lot like the “Gates of Hell” description that Hillary Clinton gave at the DNC Convention in 2004. And she was there at Ground Zero the next day, unlike Joe Biden. 

Here’s what Hillary Clinton said (click to view the whole tweet): 

Being a Senator from New York, I saw first-hand the devastation of 9/11. I visited Ground Zero right after we were attacked. I felt like I was standing at the Gates of Hell. I hope no American ever has to witness a sight like that again. That tragedy changed all of us. I know it changed me.

Here’s what Joe Biden said during his speech on Monday.

Each of us—each of those precious lives stolen too soon when evil attacked. Ground Zero in New York, I remember standing there the next day and looking at the building. I felt like I was looking through the gates of hell, it looked so devastating because of the way you could—where—from where you could stand.


Did Biden not only swipe the line about “standing there” at the “Gates of Hell,” but the date as well? 

Fox’s Martha McCallum asked NSC spokesperson John Kirby about Biden’s false claim of being there the day after and whether it was a “mistake.” But Kirby was so slimy that he wouldn’t even admit that it was false or acknowledge it as a “mistake.” Watch how he twists to try to justify Biden’s falsehood, claiming Biden just attributed the visit to a “little earlier” than it occurred. 

No, he said he was standing there the next day, and he was not. Kirby can’t spin it as true when it’s just plain not. It doesn’t make it true that he went more than a week later. Imagine having so little conscience that you try such spin such a falsehood. Kirby truly has no shame. 

I guess all the other plagiarism incidents just happened to have similar words, too, that somehow Joe Biden just accidentally picked up. We wrote just last week about another occurrence from when he was a senator. He had to drop out of the 1988 presidential race for making up similar things, where he stole not only British politician Neil Kinnock’s words but his history as well — with Biden claiming that he was “‘the first in his family ever to go to university,” even though Joe Biden’s grandfather did go to college. So I completely believe that he could have done that here with Hillary’s words. 


But how low can Biden go when he does something like this about 9/11?