In the wake of releasing the explosive “Twitter Files,” which laid bare the extent to which the platform colluded with Democrats to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story in 2020, Elon Musk has revealed that the risk of him being assassinated by his foes is now “quite significant.” Musk held a two-hour Q&A session on Twitter Spaces on Saturday and told participants he “definitely” would not “be doing any open-air car parades, let me put it that way.”
He elaborated:
“Frankly the risk of something bad happening to me, or even literally being shot, is quite significant,” he said.
“It’s not that hard to kill somebody if you wanted to, so hopefully they don’t, and fate smiles upon the situation with me and it does not happen … There’s definitely some risk there.”
Musk did not say if he’s received credible threats to his life, but anyone who’s spent even a little bit of time on Twitter knows that death threats are a daily occurrence on the platform. The more you expose the bad actors, the more serious the threats become. And Musk has shown an impressive dedication to outing the censorious partisans who ran Twitter before his arrival, so it’s little surprise that those charlatans (and the unhinged masses that support them) would have him in their (hopefully figurative) sights. It’s pretty obvious that the left and their lapdog media friends are threatened by Elon Musk, judging from the way they’re attacking him and the independent journalists with whom he entrusted the first batch of documents.
Addressing the backlash he’s received from former Twitter employees and others upset that their deceit was exposed to the world, Musk continued:
“This is not a North Korea tour guide situation, you get to go anywhere you want, whenever you want, however you want,” he said.
“I’m not controlling the narrative. It’s just obvious there’s been a lot of control of information, suppression of information, including things that affected elections, and that just all need to be … you just want to have the stuff out there.”
Having “the stuff out there” is precisely why Musk is being targeted. He is an existential threat to the left, who are accustomed to facing few, if any, consequences for their malicious actions. It would be laughably absurd to suggest that Musk, even though he’s not naming names, feels threatened by conservatives. There’s one side that repeatedly uses violence to settle political scores or shut up their enemies: the party of Barack Obama and Joe Biden.
We’ve seen it happen at congressional baseball practices. We know that 70 percent of abortion-related threats are made to pro-lifers. Cities have burned at the hands of angry leftists and innocent people have died. Violence is increasingly the language of the left.
Dennis Prager recently addressed the idea that both sides are equally to blame for the rise in heated political rhetoric. He argued that it’s pretty simple to tell which side lies and obfuscates:
With rare exceptions, the party that calls for censorship is lying. People who tell the truth can deal with dissent and different opinions. In fact, truth-tellers welcome debate.
If this theory is correct — and I cannot imagine a valid argument against it — it means that in virtually every instance of a Left-Right difference, the Left is lying.
Thanks to Elon Musk, we have proof positive which party has engaged in censorship — and it’s not conservatives or Republicans. It’s unquestioningly the work of Democrats. Musk himself noted, “Frankly, Twitter was acting like an arm of the Democratic National Committee, it was absurd.”
Musk’s safety will continue to be at risk, as he promises there are more smoking guns to come, saying, “The idea here is to come clean on everything that has happened in the past in order to build public trust for the future.”
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