More and more evidence seems to be dropping lately in the Biden family scandal.
House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) said this week they now have more bank records showing that the Bidens received more than $20 million from foreign nationals connected to countries like Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. Comer said they had to interview a few more Biden business associates, but then he said they would be subpoenaing the Bidens. Even CNN is now forced to ask people questions about the scandal because so much evidence is piling up.
On top of that, there’s news in Biden’s classified documents scandal. Biden’s team is talking with Special Counsel Robert Hur about arranging a time for him to be interviewed on the matter. As my colleague Mike Miller observed, that has to have the Biden team panicking with chills running down their spines. The man has difficulty with normal conversation.
What might he say in an investigation that could get him into big trouble? What might he say about those documents he mentioned from 1974, that he should never have had? One has to think is trying to think of any way around it or to not have him so out on a limb. But if we compared this with how former President Donald Trump has been treated it would seem like it’s kid gloves. They’re talking about what subjects they will cover.
Are you kidding? You allegedly had classified documents from 1974. Explain yourself.
But even as all that is accumulating and looking bad for Biden, we get a reminder that those aren’t the only scandals that have roiled around Biden.
Former Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) was on Tom Shattuck’s Burn Barrel podcast with Shattuck and his wife Alice when he dropped some news about an encounter that his wife, Gail Huff Brown, had with Joe Biden during his swearing-in.
Shattuck was asking Brown about Joe Biden’s sniffing and inappropriate touching of girls and women. Shattuck indicated that he thought people were weirded out about that stuff. “Also, I think people are irked out about all the hair sniffing and things when he went overseas,” Shattuck said. He said Biden plunged in the polls because Americans didn’t like how he treated his granddaughter Navy by not recognizing her until recently.
“He’s not a good guy. You know him,” Shattuck said.
Brown said he did know him. He said Biden had dementia.
“We all know people who have dementia and have the beginning of Alzheimer’s, and he’s got it. I mean, it’s the walk. It’s the way he’s mumbling, his angry outbursts. And it’s a shame that we can’t do better in this great country.”
But then Shattuck asked Brown about what Joe Biden did during Brown’s swearing-in. He asked if Biden was “hair sniffing” or “handsy” with Gail.
Joe Biden sniffs little girls, feels up actresses, hits on the wives of police officers and takes a shot at a senator’s spouse. He’s not a good guy.
Listen to one senator’s recollection: https://t.co/3AeuBiRD7a— Tom Shattuck (@tomshattuck) August 10, 2023
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I told him I would kick the shit out a…I told him to stop,” Brown replied. “So yes.”
When pressed for more information, Brown said, “Nah, nah, it’s, it’s old news, it’s old news…Yes, he didn’t act the way I thought he should. And, and you know, we called him on it and that’s it.
The featured picture above is from the swearing-in on February 4, 2010. The look on his wife’s face in that picture is something, I don’t know what happened before that look. A video from the AP shows a couple of seconds with Gail Huff Brown at 1:21 and yes, I’m wondering about Joe’s right hand, given what Scott Brown said.
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But I completely believe it, given the questions that there have been, with the videos and pictures from other swearing-ins. It seems like it was a continuing issue at such events.
But in case people forgot about all the accusations of inappropriate touching when Biden was running, add this to the questions of “dementia” and all the other scandals.