Last Updated on August 7, 2023

45th President Donald J. Trump has a massive 48-point lead over Ron DeSantis in the latest round of 2024 GOP Presidential Primary polling from the battleground state of Michigan and has opened up a narrow lead over Joe Biden in the same state’s general election polling.

The polling from Emerson College surveyed likely 2024 GOP voters from Michigan and shows that a whopping 61% of them say they’ll be voting for Donald J. Trump in the state’s 2024 GOP Presidential Primary.

In the poll, which was conducted between August 1st and 2nd, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis rakes in the support of just 13% of respondents, with the rest of the field failing to even make it out of single-digit territory, as Trump’s numbers continue to drive a stake through the hearts of the competition.

Trump Leads Michigan GOP Poll
Polling from Emerson College shows 45th President Trump’s massive lead over the GOP competition, including Ron DeSantis.

Related: Michigan AG Charges Alternate Electors, Moves to Jail Trump Supporters for Life

And the GOP primary polling isn’t the only metric showing that Trump is the frontrunner for President in 2024.

When Emerson College surveyed likely 2024 Presidential Election voters, giving them the option of voting for either Joe Biden or Donald Trump, the two candidates were evenly split, with 44% of voters backing each one.

But when left-wing Green Party candidate Cornel West was added to the mix, Trump opened up a 2-point lead over Joe Biden.

Under the 3-way race metric, 43% of respondents say that they’ll support Donald Trump, while 41% back Joe Biden, and 4% back Cornel West.

Trump Michigan Presidential Polling
Trump also boasts a lead over Joe Biden in general election polling.

Related: Trump Leads Biden in Crucial Battleground States

The booming poll results for President Trump come as he faces a continued onslaught of lawfare from Joe Biden and his DOJ, who appear determined to disrupt his 2024 presidential campaign – and for obvious reasons, in light of the polling data.

Days ago, when Trump traveled to Washington, D.C. to be arraigned by Biden DOJ prosecutor Jack Smith, the 45th President called his persecution a “great honor”, and added that he was being arrested on behalf of the American People.

Related: Arrest at Hands of Biden DOJ is ‘A Great Honor’ – ‘I’m Being Arrested for YOU’