“Speaker Emerita” Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) continues to sink lower in her apparent quest to wrest the title of “most shameless politician in D.C.” from Joe Biden. After being one of the chief architects of the removal of Biden from the presidential ticket, she continues to spew divisive rhetoric even though her party got shellacked in November with the GOP taking the House, the Senate, and the Oval Office.


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Can ‘Bitter, Desperate’ Nancy Pelosi Retain Her Grip on the Democrat Party Despite Election Beatdown?

She was back at it Sunday, appearing on CBS News’ “Face the Nation” to deliver an awful take on “domestic violent extremism.” It might not have been so notable at another time, but since the nation is still recovering from the awful New Year’s Day ISIS-inspired terrorist attack in New Orleans, her remarks here just seem flat-out craven.

And talk about sexism:

MARGARET BRENNAN: So you think it [domestic violent extremism] will discourage particularly women…

NANCY PELOSI: Particularly women.

MARGARET BRENNAN: … from running?


I mean, I know that it has. But I hope that it will not, that we will have – shine a bright light on this and just say, this is unacceptable. This is unacceptable. 

See, for women, they always – they always – women are known to be more, shall we say, ethical than men. And so, when they go after women candidates, they go after their ethics.



The tweet continues:

And so, when they go after women candidates, they go after their ethics. And they’ll say this, that and the other thing. And then the child comes home from school crying because somebody said a bad thing about mom on TV. And nobody wants that,” Pelosi says.

It’s quite stunning to hear her whine about female candidates taking criticism when she, her president, and seemingly everyone else in her party has spent the last several years calling Donald Trump a fascist, a Hitler wannabe, and a danger to Democracy. Oh, and his supporters are “garbage.”

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It’s also incredibly sexist that she would say that women are more ethical than men—and besides, it’s not true. How do we know this? Because Pelosi herself is as cutthroat as they come, and let’s just say “ethics” don’t stand in her way when she wants something.

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Perhaps there is a time to talk about the fears women have in running for office, but this wasn’t the moment to have that discussion. There are 14 victims and their suffering families right now in New Orleans, and I don’t imagine that’s what they’re thinking about. 


Nancy prattled on some more, doing that weird sucking thing with her lips, but there was one other statement that stood out to me. She was asked by the host why so many Americans voted for Trump when the Democrats tried to convince everyone that his supposed involvement in the events of January 6 amounted to an “insurrection” which resulted in one of the deadliest days in U.S. history (an obvious falsehood). Naturally, she still doesn’t get it:

I wouldn’t say that the American people disregarded this. They just had a different view as to what was in their interest, economically and the rest.

So I don’t – I don’t call this a disregard of January 6. I just call it something that they saw in their interest economically.

There you have it—the former House Speaker admitting that the economy stank under Joe Biden. This after years of them telling us it was great; we were just too stupid to understand.

There are many good things that came out of November’s election—especially the epic defeat of Kamala Harris—but unfortunately, we still have two more years at least of this bitter, out-of-touch politician who seemingly wants to divide the country rather than solve our problems.
