“Sol Prendido” for Borderland Beat
An audio has surfaced of Gumesiendo Pérez Maya aka Commander Gumez from the Grupo Escorpiones asking his mob to provide him with some stolen trucks.
The armed wing of the Cartel del Golfo doesn’t want just any truck either. The requested pickups need to have distinct features for the number of men he plans to transport.
I’m also needing a truck. This particular truck isn’t going to be given to me for free either. It’s not going to be given to me for free. Ok? It will be paid for. I’ll pay $6000 up to the last one that’s brought to me. I’m paying $6000 for every truck that’s brought to me.
It has to be 4X4, I need it to have 4 doors, I don’t want it to be a single cab truck either. I definitely don’t want it to be a single cab truck because 4 bodyguards wont fit in there. Ok? I’m asking for this as a favor.
It’s been a month now that I’ve asked for this and a truck hasn’t been provided yet. Ok? Otherwise I’ll have someone buy it for me and I just won’t pay a fucking thing afterwards. Ok? If I have to talk to you guys like this because this is what you want to hear then so be it.
I remember when La Droga (Oscar Antonio López Sandoval aka La Droga / Ciclón 89) was around. And he would tell you guys: I want a truck, I want that truck within a week. And you guys had to fucking come through for him with his request.
But the things is I’m not La Droga. I’ve never asked you guys for firearms, ammunition, anything for that matter. Or tell me, when have I ever asked you guys for anything? If I’ve ever asked you guys for anything go ahead and tell me about it.
This way I can let my boss know that I’m in the wrong here because I’m asking you guys for stuff. As far as things go I can’t authorize anything on my own here. I have a boss and that’s El 19 and I get my orders from him. Ok? I don’t make any moves without first consulting with him.
Everything that I do is with his permission only. Ok? I need an answer within this week about these trucks. Ok? I have about 80, 180 operatives here. This is a combined total between point men and river crossers. I don’t think that I’ve ever been provided a truck for any of these men.
I don’t want it for free either. I’m going to pay for it, I’m going to pay for it. I would like this matter to please be resolved. I need an answer now. Who’s going to provide this for me, who has what I need? I don’t want promises either. None of this so and so told me talk. I want that truck now. I’d like to hear: you know what your truck’s here. Ok. I’ll pay you for it right now.
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