Former CIA director and retired US Army Gen. David Petraeus  

Business Insider: Russia may ‘suddenly break’ under pressure from Ukraine’s counteroffensive, former US general Petraeus says 

 * Ukraine’s arduous counteroffensive is “far from over,” General David Petraeus has said.  

 * Even the US military would struggle to face the extensive defenses Russia has mounted, he said. 

 * Nonetheless, with enough pressure the Russian line can “suddenly break,” he wrote. 

As Ukraine struggles to make substantial gains in its counteroffensive, General David Petraeus says that Russia’s front line may yet falter under pressure. 

The former top general and CIA director brought his experience in Iraq to the picture as he laid out why he believes Ukraine can still push through Russia’s formidable defenses.  

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WNU Editor: It was only a few months ago that retired General and former CIA Director Petareus  was boasting that Ukraine’s counteroffensive will be very impressive …. Ukraine’s counteroffensive will be very impressive – US General (Ukrainska Pravda).