Many of us remember Kevin Sorbo from the 1990s series Hercules and Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. Sorbo portrayed the “he-man” of Greek mythology in a variety of adventures, always with beautiful women in tow. Gen-X and Millennial females will gladly admit to having that Hercules poster taped to their walls. But there are others who remember Sorbo as Captain Dylan Hunt from Gene Roddenberry’s posthumous foray into space, Andromeda. Then there are those of us who enjoy Sorbo’s faith-based roles in movies like What If, Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist, and God’s Not Dead.
If you wondered what happened to Kevin Sorbo, he’s still here and as prolific as ever, despite Hollywood thinking that they canceled him. Sorbo works tirelessly as an actor, producer, and director, as well as in partnership with his wife, Sam Sorbo, on film projects and speaking engagements.
He told RedState:
Hollywood canceled me 10 years ago, they said we can’t work with you any more. You’re conservative and a Christian. I laughed, and said, You guys are the ones that scream for tolerance all the time, you can’t be tolerant of the things we’re talking about? Well, you know what I think? Walt Disney would have lost his tolerance to see what Disney is doing to his brand right now. Yeah, here’s a company that’s about to lose a billion dollars in movie sales this year. They are a billion dollars in the negative right now. So, maybe we should go back to making movies that will appeal to a broader audience instead of just picking on such a small segment. Yeah. And that basically [films that] celebrate things like boyhood, and manhood, and girlhood.
Sorbo’s most recent faith-based endeavor is Miracle In East Texas, which he also directed. It stars Lou Gossett, Jr., John Ratzenberger, Tyler Mane, his wife Sam, and Sorbo himself. The movie is premiering October 28-29 in select theaters through Fathom Events.
Please go to Sorbo Studios dot com and sign up right now. It’s a Fathom Event, so we only get two days. Fathom works on a smaller scale than studios but at least gives a chance for independent movies to get seen in theaters. We’re going to be on 750 screens. But please go to Sorbo Studios dot com and buy tickets. Now this is a PG movie. You can take your whole family. It’s got love, and laughter, and hope, redemption and faith, all these things that Hollywood doesn’t do anymore. So, I’m hoping people fill these seats now. Because if we can fill the theaters now, then we’ll get more dates and more theaters, and that’s what we need. We don’t have a $100 million advertising budget. I’m not exaggerating. They have that for movies like Avatar and The Guardians of the Galaxy. You know, they spend $3.5 million dollars on these movies, and how do you compete against that? So, we need people to go out and support movies like this.
Along with Sorbo’s choice to spend his time, talent, and treasure on projects and films that matter, Sorbo is a strong conservative who feels as though America needs to be awakened from its sleep. Sorbo and Sam have been married for 25 years and have two boys and a girl, now young adults of 22, 19, and 17. The Sorbos are fierce homeschooling advocates. Sam Sorbo has written books on the subject and helps to guide parents on the journey from the public school ghetto to becoming homeschoolers. Along with Kevin Sorbo’s many other talents, he is also an author. His book True Strength recounts his health struggles through his years doing Hercules and how he overcame them. Both the Sorbos use their creative abilities and influence to help families become strengthened and equipped in order to pour that enablement and strength into their children.
One of the blessings of COVID was that a lot of parents woke up to the evils of public schools. And they said, Why are we using this as a babysitting service for our kids? So, two million more families are now homeschooling after they really delved into what’s going on with the school boards and what teachers are doing in our public schools, from kindergarten all through university. So, as you know, government loves fear as a weapon; that’s their favorite weapon against us. And I think people finally woke up and said, Enough is enough. So, I’m glad that lions are starting to wake up. I keep saying I gotta wake up the lions. The sheep are going to be sheep, but we cannot be afraid to be canceled. There’s a battle going on out there, and we can’t be afraid to fight it.
Sorbo has moved that passion to wake up the lions to also train the lion cubs. His newest literary endeavor is a partnership with Brave Books for their latest publication, The Test of Lionhood. Sorbo sat down with me and discussed his storied career and how Hercules blessed him with not only the launch of his career but his beautiful wife and family. The Test of Lionhood was born out of his own lessons from his father and lessons he passed on to his sons about manhood.
I loved Sorbo’s connection that strong men and women make strong families, which, in turn, create a strong country. Much of the weakness in our nation can be traced to the attacks on the family and the attempted destruction and mutilation of our young men and women. Sorbo feels that young boys, as well as young men, will benefit from The Test of Lionhood and its focus on the distinctiveness of men being challenged with their own rites of passage.
Sorbo spoke lovingly about his own father and the lessons imparted from him that he was able to pass down to his own children: things like not allowing others to set your limitations (hello, CRT), having a work ethic, and forging the connections that come for both men and women through playing sports. No surprise that men and women’s sports have been jeopardized by the woke Leftists, whether it’s the transgendered men invading women’s spaces or the emasculation of men in their passion and drive on the sports field.
As Hollywood and its edifices flounder, flop, and fail, consequential movies like Sound of Freedom and family and faith-friendly films like Miracle In East Texas forge a new path for filmmakers like Kevin Sorbo, Jim Caviezel, Nick Searcy, and others who want to do work that reflects their values and what truly matters in this life. Brave Books and its publications, Freedom Island Book Tours, and its August 5 “See You At The Library” events have shown that an audience exists that is hungry for truth, values, and building a solid foundation for our children to stand on. It is only through these strong families that we will be able to rebuild a stronger nation.
You can find all of Kevin and Sam Sorbo’s work at You can find The Test of Lionhood at