Last Updated on August 31, 2023
Tucker Carlson expressed deep concern that Deep State actors will attempt to assassinate President Trump on behalf of the globalist uni-party, with Carlson warning that the globalists are running out of options to stop Trump as his poll numbers continue getting stronger despite constant attacks against him.
Tucker said, ” They protested him [Trump], they called him names, he won anyway, they impeached him twice on ridiculous pretenses, they fabricated a lot what happened on January 6th in order to impeach him again. It didn’t work, he came back, then they indited him, it didn’t work, he became more popular, then they indicted him 3 more times and every single time his popularity rose, so if you begin with criticism then you go to protest, then impeachment, then indictment and none of them work, what’s next?”
Tucker then looked very concerned when he said, “Graph it out man, we are speeding towards assassination and no one will say it. I don’t know how you can’t reach that conclusion, you know what I mean?”
As the conversation continued, Tucker called out permanent Washington for putting Trump in harm’s way, saying, “Permanent Washington has decided that there is something about Trump that is so threatening to them, that they just can’t have it.”
Tucker also called out the absurdity of Biden’s J6 charges against Trump, “They are putting him on trial next year in the J6 case, which basically consists of them trying to send him to prison for the rest of his life for complaining about the last election. If this was happening in Moldova, the State Department would be issuing an order to let the world know this is not a legitimate government, and yet our government is doing it.”
Tucker ended his remarks by showing great concern for the future of America, ” It’s hard to overstate how bad this is, and I don’t know where it’s going, but there is a collision that is imminent, I have never been this worried about anything, were this is going.”
Tucker is worried that the uniparty and deep state will attempt to assassinate President Trump.
I hope Secrete Service takes this very seriously. pic.twitter.com/ya2jovf67z
— MAGS (@TAftermath2020) August 30, 2023
Tucker is usually correct much more than he is wrong. Tucker’s statements should worry everyone and encourage people to become involved with their local GOP party. That is the best way for people to make a meaningful impact that helps prevent a pending disaster.