Ukrainian soldiers fire a US-made M777 howitzer in Kharkov Region, Ukraine, 2022. © AP Photo / Evgeniy Maloletka  

Defense News: White House wants Ukraine inspector general out of defense bill 

WASHINGTON ― The White House on Monday told lawmakers it opposes a provision in the House’s annual defense policy bill that would create a special inspector general for Ukraine aid, modelled after the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction. 

The Ukraine inspector general was one of several provisions in the fiscal 2024 National Defense Authorization Act that the White House, in an Office of Management and Budget statement on the bill, told Congress it wants removed. 

The statement also objected to several provisions in the bill related to the U.S. nuclear arsenal and addresses the Pentagon cost assessment office drawn into a debate over Navy ship procurement. The House is expected to begin voting on the FY24 NDAA as early as Wednesday.  

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Update: White House opposes independent oversight of Ukraine aid (RT)  

WNU Editor: My prediction is that the White House will gets its way. There will be no Special Inspector General on Ukraine aid. There is simply too much corruption happening on this aid to be exposed.