Last Updated on November 20, 2023

Javier Milei has been elected President of Argentina after running on a platform that included shutting down the Central Bank of Argentina, the nation’s own version of the Federal Reserve.

Milei, a member of a political party called Freedom Advances, defeated Peronist government minister Sergio Massa to become the next President of Argentina, with Javier Milei bringing in 56% of the national vote compared to Massa’s 44%.

The victory of a right-wing populist with libertarian economics marks an explosive moment in Argentina’s history, as the nation has long been controlled by kleptocratic globalist puppets, be they left-wing Peronists or the American-backed leaders of the nation’s former military Junta.

Milei won the election with promises of slashing the left-wing economic programs that have thrown Argentina into chaos and with calls to shutter Argentina’s Central Bank, the nation’s own version of the Federal Reserve.

Milei also vowed to pivot Argentina away from communist China and toward the United States, a position that’s been compared to those of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who was dubbed the “Trump of the Tropics” before, much like with Trump in the United States, he “lost” a rigged election and became public enemy number 1 of his nation’s new regime.

Much like in both the United States and Brazil, where well-funded globalists opposed Trump and Bolsonaro, Team Soros mobilized both domestically and internationally to keep Argentina in the hands of the globalists.

The American entertainment industry even became embroiled in the left-wing campaign to keep Argentina in Sorosian hands, with Soros-tied pop singer Taylor Swift’s Latin American Eras Tour coinciding with the run-up to election day and being used as a voter registration and persuasion hub on behalf of Massa and his Soros-backed partisan colleagues.

What’s more, is that Massa had the backing of Eduardo Elsztain, who’s known as the “George Soros of Argentina” and has taken an aggressive posture in political races all over Latin America, having meddled in nations like Paraguay before turning his attention back to the homefront.

As National File previously reported on the ties between George Soros and Eduardo Elsztain:

The links between Soros and MSA’s Elsztain, who’s reportedly the largest property developer in Argentina, are tangible and public. Decades ago, though Elsztain was inexperienced and unknown at the time, Soros saw something he liked in the Argentine, so much so that he gave him $10 million.

According to Elsztain’s own recollection, “[George Soros and I] talked for an hour or so, and then he asked how much money I thought I could handle. I told him I could manage $10 million.” Soros, as Elsztain remembers it, simply said “Okay, no problem.”

Soros later explained his seemingly impulsive investment by saying that Elsztain “knew when to sell and when to buy.”