“Char” for Borderland Beat 

This article translated and Reposted from El Informador MX 

On May 20, Erick Valencia requested the control judge Rogelio León Díaz to allow him to continue his trial outside the prison.

A federal judge granted Erick Valencia Salazar, alias “El 85,” a warrant protection (a constitutional injunction) that overturns what had been stated in the extradition file, which denied a change in the precautionary measure of pre-trial detention, it was reported this afternoon.

“El 85” is one of the founders of the New Generation Cartel (CJNG).

Alfonso Alexander Alfonso Moreno, Fifth District Judge in Amparo Matters in the State of Mexico, ruled that it was not the responsibility of the administrator of the Criminal Justice Center of Almoloya of Juarez to resolve the issue, rather such responsibility falls on a control judge.According to the court file, on May 20, Erick Valencia requested to the control judge Rogelio León Díaz that he could continue his trial outside the prison.

Altiplano Maximum Security Prison

Last May 30, the administrator of the Criminal Justice Center decided not to change the precautionary measure. His argument was that the action is not contemplated neither in the Law nor in the Extradition Treaty between Mexico and the United States, but according to articles 133 and 134 (fraction IV) of the National Code of Criminal Procedures the decision falls on a control judge, as can be read in the sentence.

After these actions, it was determined to leave the resolution without effect and that it will be a control judge who will resolve the matter.

Source: El Informador MX