“Socalj” for Borderland Beat
From a CBP Press Release
A U.S. citizen and a Canadian citizen were robbed and attacked by armed suspected Mexican cartel terrorists, in the Jacumba Wilderness.
On Wednesday at approximately 11:00AM., El Centro Sector Communications received a call from the Imperial County Sheriff’s Office 911 Dispatch with information a man had been shot and needed assistance in the El Centro Sector area of responsibility.
At 12:08 p.m. Mountain Disrupt Unit, Border Patrol Tactical Unit (BORTAC), and Border Patrol Search Trauma, and Rescue (BORSTAR) agents infiltrated to the area, locating the injured victim and stabilizing him. Agents created a protective perimeter and extracted the victim via CBP Air and Marine Operations San Diego. The victim was transferred to Reach Air Ambulance and flown to Sharp Medical Center in San Diego for treatment.
“The wounded hiker is an ‘I told you so moment’ highlighting the importance of adequate infrastructure the Border Patrol has been championing for years now,” said El Centro Sector Chief Gregory Bovino.
Source CBP