I’m just going to say right off the bat that “The Chosen,” which is a show about the life of Jesus Christ as seen through the eyes of his Apostles, is one of my favorite shows—ever.
I have written about this show previously Come and See: The Best Show Ever About Jesus Christ, The Chosen
As I wrote back in 2021 about this series.
The creator of this enterprise is a gentleman by the name of Dallas Jenkins who envisioned doing a multi-season show about Jesus and telling a story about the happenings surrounding these historically recorded events.
That, in and of itself, would be a daunting task, but the other amazing part of this is that “The Chosen” is now the largest crowd-funded project in history and is being paid for by people that are just in love with this show and I happen to be one of those people. Dallas [Jenkins] and his team have advocated that the show be free to watch but that if you can Pay It Forward to please do so and it has provided stunning results. They raised enough money last year to fully fund Season 2 and are on their way to funding Season 3 right now, all from donations.
I just can’t rave enough about how the stories told here of the miracle of Peter catching the fish or of Jesus meeting the Samaritan woman at the well, are incredibly done and bring these stories to life in a way that makes sense. They have made me go back to read these famous passages in The Bible and see them with brand new eyes and to contemplate with new vigor what Christ and these followers of His went through 2,000 years ago. Even if you are not a CHRISTian you will have a better understanding of who Jesus of Nazareth was and why He has the following He still does thousands of years later.
I can’t thank the Lord enough for having this whole team bring this to a world that is so broken and seems to be shattering more each day. This show is truly a light in a very long and dark tunnel and it is a blessing no longer in disguise but becoming better known each and every day.
Season four is currently under production and with about two weeks left remaining of filming, production hit a snag in the form of the writers’ strike.
Now that I have cleared the decks on that, I can now gush freely about how incredible it is and a bona fide miracle that filming of this show will continue—even with the actors’ strike currently underway in Hollywood, which is covered right here. From that article…
While Hollywood has ground to a halt due to parallel writers’ and actors’ strikes, there’s a US-based series that is being allowed to continue to production.
“The Chosen,” a faith-based series about the life of Jesus, “allows us to see Him through the eyes of those who knew Him,” according to the series. It has received a green light from SAG-AFTRA to move forward, the show states.
At first, the production of this groundbreaking show had been halted even though they had filed the paperwork to be exempted from the stoppage. Yet, a miracle did occur when just days later, producer Dallas Jenkins posted the incredible news that they would be able to shoot and finish this season off.
“Great news! We just received word from SAG that we have been approved for a waiver. We’ll continue shooting on Monday,” a subsequent tweet announced.
I don’t think it is too much of a stretch to hypothesize that Hollywood might be a bit antsy when it comes to pro CHRISTian work, either on film, canvas, or music. As my colleague Bonchie observed in his article titled ‘Sound of Freedom’ Sends a Rolling Stone Writer Into Fits of Rage.
As I reported yesterday, The Guardian set off the parade of stupidity by tying the movie, which is based on a true story, to QAnon. Does the movie mention QAnon, Hillary Clinton, Pizzagate, or anything of the sort? Not even a little bit. Rather, it’s just a story about saving a girl from human traffickers in South America.
Admittedly, I severely underestimated how triggering that would be for some people, and now a reviewer from Rolling Stone is having a “hold my beer” moment.
Bonchie then continued with the quote from the Rolling Stone writer.
“Based on a true story,” I heard from somewhere across the theater.
The familiar words had appeared on screen, and an elderly man had taken it upon himself to read them aloud, to the rest of a sizable audience seated for a matinee showing of the anti-child-trafficking thriller Sound of Freedom, starring Jim Caviezel. For the seasoned moviegoer, this phrase is a joke — we know that cinema will stretch almost any “truth” to the breaking point — and the rank insincerity of such a pronouncement is the foundation of the prankish opening titles of Fargo. But this crowd, I could tell, would view the events depicted over the next two-plus hours as entirely literal.
Because literally, child trafficking can’t be a thing.
I should point out that the Sound of Freedom and The Chosen are both associated with Angel Studios , which has a mission to produce and promote entertainment that is faith-based. As you can see from the brief review above from the Rolling Stone writer, that stuff gets under some folks’ skin mighty quickly.
That this incredible series, which brings the stories of the Bible to life in a way that has never been done before, was allowed to continue in the swamp of Hollywood has to be nothing short of one of God’s Miracles. I thank Him for it and for this incredible show every time I watch an episode, or three or four in a row,
Please check out The Chosen by clicking right here, to watch all of the first three seasons for FREE—or check them out, currently running on the CW.
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